

Please check back periodically to view our current / upcoming service projects 和 opportunities.



心连心安宁疗护中心正在寻找志愿者来协助博彩平台排名的病人, 家庭, 以及博彩平台排名的团队为博彩平台排名的社区带来高质量的临终关怀. Hospice volunteers show their compassion 和 care with patients 和 in our office. 志愿者是博彩平台排名心连心团队的宝贵成员!



寻找基于信仰的服务? The Central Indiana Youth for Christ is seeking volunteers on Mondays from 12:30–1:35 PM 和 3:30–5:00 PM 和 Fridays from 7:00–9:00 PM. You can act as a mentor for an individual student or engage students in 娱乐al activities, 小组游戏和小组讨论. 欲了解更多信息,请联系 Jamarius伯恩赛德 或浏览 印第安纳中部青年归主网站.


鹰溪救世军正在寻找对青少年有热情的志愿者, 教育, 娱乐, 和体育. 正在进行的 opportunities will be available to tutor 和 play games during their after-school program as well as coach their youth sports teams! 如果你想在一个有趣的环境中帮助年轻人,这是你的地方! 如有兴趣在鹰溪救世军做义工,请联络 瑞安·马修斯,或浏览 救世军鹰溪网站 了解更多信息.


文化遗产中心正在寻找短期和长期志愿者. 志愿服务 can be one-time or ongoing, individual or group, weekdays or weekends. 志愿者 opportunities include assembling mailings; event set-up, 登记, 和 tear-down; seasonal yard work; 和 computer data entry. 联系他们获取今天的志愿者机会. You won’t need a car to get to Heritage Place—they are three blocks east of 亚洲博彩平台排名! 如果您对志愿服务感兴趣或想了解更多信息,请博彩平台排名 露丝·安·汉金斯.


老师的珍宝 is in need of volunteers to help at-risk children get the materials they need to succeed in school by providing teachers with donated 教育al supplies for use by the students in their classroom. 教师宝藏志愿者负责店铺运营(周一至周四), 下午2时至6时)或仓库工作及备货(星期一至五), 9点AM-noon). 教师的宝藏的店面位置是在1800 E. 印第安纳州印第安纳波利斯第10街46201号. They offer volunteer opportunities to students with a range of background experience 和 would love your help. 如果你有兴趣做志愿者,或者只是想了解更多的信息, 请致电317-264-1758或通过电子邮件联系阿曼达·梅特涅 am和a@teacherstreasures.org.


Public Greens is in need of volunteers to help them feed at-risk children in the Indianapolis community. This is a combined effort with the Patachou Foundation 和 they will take any volunteers that are willing to commit time to support the cause. 如果您有兴趣参与,请博彩平台排名 admin@thepatachoufoundation.org 或浏览 Patachou基金会网站 了解更多信息!


楼明天 provides students with the tools they need to put their passion for 教育al access into action. 英国电信分会的成员参与服务学习, 筹款, 和 awareness activities to generate support for the construction of primary-level schools. Partner communities in East Africa match the students’ support by donating three acres of l和 for each primary school 和 volunteering approximately 15,建造它花费了000小时的劳动. 联系 凯特白 如果你有兴趣的话.


If you are interested in youth or 教育, AYS has a great opportunity for you! AYS是一个在课前和课后运行的组织. 他们位于IPS #43(40街). AYS需要课后导师/志愿者帮助完成家庭作业, 读写能力, 和 other enrichment-type activities for students kindergarten through sixth grade. AYS的开放时间为周一至周四下午4:00-5:30. 志愿者 times 和 days are flexible; all extra h和s are appreciated! 电子邮件 Sabaea小瓦罐,或致电317-605-4595.


Troop Leader Julie Johnson for Troop #1004 at Christ the King School is looking for one to two students interested in helping with her troop this year. The troop consists of girls fifth through sixth grade 和 there are about 19 girls. For anyone who is interested or wants more information, please contact Julie directly at julie3052@gmail.com 或者打她的手机317-847-3052. 加入他们的使命,培养勇敢的女孩, 自信和性格, 是谁让世界变得更美好!


Aftercare for Indiana Through Mentoring is seeking volunteers to serve as mentors for at-risk 和 justice-involved youth. 你可以选择在社区或少管所工作. Their volunteers commit to making a difference by mentoring a youth for 2 hours a week. 提供培训和支持. AIM中心位于博彩平台排名校园的步行距离内. 联系 理查德Garschina 欲了解更多信息,请访问 脸谱网上的AIM.


North UMC needs volunteers to work the front desk as support 和 hospitality throughout the week. Office hours are 8:30 AM–4:30 PM Monday–Thursday 和 8:30 AM–4:00 PM on Friday. 至少, 他们努力让别人在午餐时间陪着他们, which is 11:30 AM–1:00 PM—possibly stretching that by half an hour on each end of that time frame. Students looking to fill required volunteer service hours with a genuine learning experience helping at their desk could be ideal. 日程安排是灵活的. 欲了解更多信息,请联系 Julie O’Connor at 317-924-2612 x 44 or by email at joconnor@northchurchindy.com.


MADD is looking for students who are interested in volunteering by assisting survivors at Victim Impact Panels. 经验领域将包括接触法律领域, 刑事司法, 还有社会工作. 联系莱尔·希尔 译文是.hill@madd.org.


VISTA, 为美国服务的志愿者, is a branch of AmeriCorps where volunteers work in administration of nonprofits to assist with capacity 和 programming rather than direct service. VISTA的独特之处在于其对消除贫困的关注. It is an ideal opportunity for a recent college grad who is looking to have a year of service before starting an additional degree or entering the workforce. 有两份工作可供选择 发展助理助理项目评估. 点击标题了解更多的机会或电子邮件 玛丽波伊尔 了解更多信息.


Tangram supports people with disabilities by designing services to meet their specific needs 和 desires 和 is looking for a piano player with moderate skills to help with our newly-formed choir for individuals with disabilities. The piano player will work with the choir director to plan for choir practices 和 will assist the choir director during each choir practice 和 any performances. 唱诗班每隔一个星期二聚会一次, 可能会在最初的几次训练后改到每周二, 下午6:30-7:30在Tangram总办公室(位于52街和Keystone街). 志愿者需要经过志愿者培训和入职培训, 还要进行背景调查和毒品检查. 联系 林赛•希尔 了解更多信息.


The Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra is in need of volunteers for several events during their season. 查看他们所有活动的列表, 比如《博彩平台排名》, 并报名成为志愿者, 请浏览 志愿者门户网站.


Did you know that two thirds of Indiana fourth graders aren’t reading at their grade level? The United Way of Central Indiana’s ReadUP Tutor program pairs volunteers with third 和 fourth graders to help increase their 读写能力 skills through one-on-one interaction, 为他们未来的学业成功做准备. The United Way is looking for volunteers who can spend one hour a week on Tuesdays, 星期三, 或者周四和三四年级的学生一起读书. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.readtutormentor.org 或致电317-925-READ.


The Excel Center is an adult charter high school here in Indianapolis that includes students ages 18 和 up that were not able to complete high school as minors due to a variety of barriers. They are in need of tutors to help enhance their students’ skills in subjects including Remediation Math, 算术, 代数, 和几何. 志愿者s would need to go the Excel Center at least once a week during their eight week term. 欲了解更多信息,请联系 这话的人是天 或致电317-524-4416.


印第安那中部的芥菜籽, 非营利性家具银行, 在找志愿者帮忙准备盘子袋吗, 表集, 整理仓库家具. 周二至周五上午10点至下午4点提供机会. 它们位于费舍尔的东121街. 欲了解更多信息,请联系芥末种子 info@mustardseedindy.org 或致电317-572-5724.